The Chainlink Hackathon kicks off April 28th! Register today to compete for $450K+ in prizes.

Supported Networks

Chainlink Functions is supported on the Sepolia and Polygon Mumbai testnets.

Read the LINK Token Contracts page to learn where to get testnet LINK and ETH.

Contract addresses

:::caution[Understand Risks associated with Bridges] If you are using a cross-chain bridge to transfer your LINK tokens, read the Bridges and Associated Risks guide to understand what cross-chain bridges are and the risks associated with using them. :::

Ethereum Sepolia testnet

Functions Oracle proxy0x649a2C205BE7A3d5e99206CEEFF30c794f0E31EC
Functions Oracle Registry proxy0x3c79f56407DCB9dc9b852D139a317246f43750Cc
LINK/ETH price feed0x42585eD362B3f1BCa95c640FdFf35Ef899212734

Polygon Mumbai testnet

Functions Oracle proxy0xeA6721aC65BCeD841B8ec3fc5fEdeA6141a0aDE4
Functions Oracle Registry proxy0xEe9Bf52E5Ea228404bB54BCFbbDa8c21131b9039
LINK/ETH price feed0x12162c3E810393dEC01362aBf156D7ecf6159528

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